3D printed electric SUV, the car of the future is called Project Arrow and it is reality

The car of the future, a 3D printed electric suv. It is called Project Arrow and it is for all intents and purposes a sleek electric suv but with a very big feature: it has been 3D printed.

The innovative model was unveiled at Ces 2023 in Las Vegas, the Consumer Electronic Show beginning of the year.

The car, a zero-emission electric concept car of the future, was launched by’Automotive Parts Manufacturers Associations (Apma), Canada's national association representing service manufacturers for the global automotive industry.

photo Apma
A fascinating project
It is called Project Arrow and is for all intents and purposes a sleek electric SUV but with a very big feature. It has been 3D printed. The innovative model was unveiled at CES 2023 in Las Vegas, the Consumer Electronic Show beginning of the year.
photo Apma
The idea is Canadian
The SUV, a zero-emission electric concept car of the future, was launched by Automotive Parts Manufacturers Associations (Apma), Canada's national association that provides services for the global automotive industry.
photo Apma
There is a hint of Italy
Prominent among the innovations of the electric SUV is precisely the 3D printed chassis using the technology of Breton Genesi, the solution developed by the Italian company Breton.
photo Apma
A mix of technologies
In fact, to build the concept car the APMA selected companies that can provide, each in its field, the most advanced technologies to contribute to the ecological transition in the mobility sector. The car's chassis was designed by APMA in collaboration with Xaba, a Canadian innovative technology company, and was stamped and milled on a machining center Breton Genesi.
photo Apma
Lots of autonomy
Project Arrow is a zero-emission vectora with a range of about 500 km, thanks in part to photovoltaic panels on the roof, expressing sustainability from the manufacturing stage. It was a challenge involving more than 50 companies (97 percent Canadian), three governments and hundreds of engineers. Project Arrow for the next two years will do a road show between events and car shows around the world, which this year will touch down in Toronto, Montreal, Detroit, Palo Alto, Las Vegas and San Antonio.
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