Top 5 best-selling cars in the world

n Europe it has been sold since 1995 under both its original name and the Toyota Auris moniker, also in full hybrid form, and for more than two decades has annually won the title of the world's best-selling car. Through its twelve generations the Toyota Corolla has been a compact 3- and 5-door hatchback, a 2- and 4-door sedan, and a 5-door family car.

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Honda Civic
The Civic was also Honda's first highly successful car, totaling more than 27.5 million units sold to date
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Wolkswagen Passat
The Volkswagen Passat holds the fourth position in this all-time global sales ranking, with more than 31 million units sold
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Wolkswagen Golf
Third place for the Volkswagen Golf, the most popular hatchback in Europe and for a long time in the U.S., which has managed to surpass the remarkable milestone of 36 million units since 1974
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Ford F Series
The Ford F-Series is a range of pickup trucks that has accumulated 40.1 million sold since 1947, almost all of them in the United States and Canada, making it the second best-selling car ever
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Toyota Corolla
The best-selling car of all time is the Toyota Corolla, a compact and popular car designed for a global market that since 1966 has won 50.4 million drivers worldwide, but especially in Japan, the United States and China
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